Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thank Goodness for my Trainers

So all my friends are my trainers. In various realms. I'm a notorious labeller, so have a look:
Cliff: family shrink
Sarah & Jason: religious counselling
Jasmine: positivity and motivation
Kori: humor specialist
Autumn: scheduling guru lol

and the list goes on and on. Everyone who comes into my life has an impact. The more time I spend with the person, the larger the impact. And I've decided to only keep those people who have a POSITIVE impact in my life. I want to, and need to, learn from all of you in order to continue to grow and improve as a person. Seems simple, right? But with the advent of the WWW and our recent move to VA, some of the impacts are felt from a longer distance. Still just as vital, just further away. So that requires a bit more upkeep.

Case in point. I haven't had a conversation (physically talking) with my bff Kori in at least 4 weeks. She's getting married in October. How shitty am I? We keep trying to connect but with life, time zones, and travel, etc. it's actually really hard. I hope that she isn't now wanting me to dye my hair for her Halloween wedding... And I still need to plan the bachelorette!

So if you are reading this, please do me a favor and leave me some kind of POSITIVE comment. Aim my energy. Direct my current thoughts. I will now exit to leave Kori another text.

1 comment:

  1. I just emailed you some motivation, actually. :) Here's s'more:

    Chaos is inherent in all compounded things. Strive on with diligence. -Buddha

    With love - me
