Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fourth of July and Food

So Jeremy and I flew down to Valdosta this weekend to see the family, eat a lot, and pick up our plane. Wonderful and stressful all at once. Let me explain.

We flew down Thursday, after I picked up my bridesmaid's dress for Kori's wedding (easily 14 inches too long...crap). My dad flew up to Mannasas, where we will be keeping our plane. We flew to TN to pick ours up, then through some beautiful clouds (check back later for photos) to get home.

On Friday, we had brunch with my godparents, Wayne & Vi at Cracker Barrel. Love that place. (Turns out there is one about 30 min away from my house, yay!) Very calorie laden simple white carbs. But damn tasty. 1 word--biscuits. Yum!

We then went swimming with my niece and nephews, Savannah, Connor, and Drew, aka The Triplets. They have gotten HUGE since the last time I saw them. Or at least tall. And I thought I had big hair. Sheesh! But yay for calorie burning! Loved hanging with them, and my sis Julie, and my crazy dad, and my uber-fun brother Cliff. But mentally exhausting. All 3 babies are 6, so there is much activity.

Saturday Jeremy and my dad went flying in our plane, the Mooney, while Cliff and I hung out a bit. I really miss living close to him. I'm lucky to have such a wonderful (if ecentric) family. Cliff and I are really close as siblings go. And we share a lot of friends, which is super cool. 'Cuz then when he's being spastic my friends already know! lol. More swimming, and of course fireworks. Foodwise, plenty of margaritas and my mom's famous pasta salad. Does anyone else do pasta salad (again with the white pasta...ack!) with tuna, mayo, ranch (both partially reduced fat at least), celery, & GREEN GRAPES? I think not. But it is sooooo good!

Very few things remind me of home as much as food. I know that's the case for a lot of you. What foods remind you of home? or a person?

My mom's lasagna always reminds me of her. I refuse to make lasagna, at least the traditional kind. It would be too wierd. So she sent some home with me.

Sunday was time to return home. We went to Waffle House for the "leaving town" breakfast. There is no close Waffle House anywhere around, which is a really good thing. Again, simple white carbs, lotsa calories, next to no nutrition, but damn tasty. Plain waffle. For real. No butter, no syrup. There is so much sugar in the batter that the waffle, right off the iron is a bit sweet, and crispy and soft all at the same time. So good.

Leaving town was a disaster. It's like herding cats with my family. "What time do you want to leave?" "1 pm." "Are you coming here for lunch?" "Do you want us to?" "If you want to." "What time should we come over?" "Do you want to come over?" Ugh. Time to leave my hometown in order to regain my sanity. And back away from the southern foods. (Note to family members: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, crazy as you(we) are ;-)! )

Happy belated Independence Day!

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