Monday, June 29, 2009

Finding my zen, again

In my constant effort to find inner peace, I have found that working out helps to burn off alot of my excess energy. Without that outlet, I find my agitation rises. The biggest problem is that in my world, it's often exercise or sleep. And even though research shows sleep is better, I'm starting to really think maybe I'm the exception to that rule. I feel better having exercised, even if I'm working on only 6 hours of sleep. Not that I don't love sleep too! But I can't nap. It makes me more tired and zombie like.

I would love to be a 30 minute catnap kind of girl. But instead I just suffer it out. And usually all those around me suffer with me! Sorry people!

All this to say I got in a nice partial workout today. I'm not up to full steam of where I was before the move from San Diego, but I'm making progress. My elliptical's computer is dead, and the new one won't be here for a month, so I'm running until then. I just really don't enjoy it. But something kinda not fun is better than me not doing anything and being all agitated. So here I am, typing sorta peacefully, still mourning my elliptical. Hope it doesn't rain tomorrow so I can repeat my slightly un-enjoyable run.


  1. I'm baffled. I posted on this, this morning. Are you deleting my comments Ms. Thang? :)

  2. Um, no. Wouldn't even know how to!!! :)

  3. Hey!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Welcome to the blogging world! I look forward to reading more of yours!
